Joe Biden to become the next President of the United States

Steph Deschamps / November 7, 2020


While many observers had announced that a "blue wave" would sweep America, it was ultimately after a close ballot that Democrat Joe Biden emerged victorious in the US presidential election. According to the latest figures, the 77-year-old former vice-president of Barack Obama has indeed secured the 270 voters required to enter the White House. He would get 273 voters, winning the state of Pennsylvania and its 20 representatives.


It's done, the latest results have spoken: Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States of America. This septuagenarian born in the industrial city of Scranton was able to pull out of the game after the epic duel between him and Donald Trump. Note that the latter threatened, however, even before the officialization of the victory, to sue several states where the Democrats won in the home stretch.


Coming from a working-class family, he has been an iconic figure on the American political scene for many years. For 36 years, he was a senator for Deleware. But it was not until 2008, to see him assume the highest office of the American state as vice-president of Barack Obama whom he will support during his two terms.


It was in April 2019, then 76, that the statesman ran for the Democratic primary. His profile is far from making voters dream. Young Democrats, seduced by Bernie Sanders, find him too centrist while the older ones trust him. Against all odds, he is gradually succeeding in pleasing a large number of voters, no offense to those who doubt his ability to complete his term as president.


"Sleepy Joe"


He is sometimes criticized for his "smooth" side, but it is on his "normal" side that he bets the most. Proof if one was needed, his nickname to many Americans: Average Joe.


His detractors also evoke his problematic relationships with certain women, his behavior is often considered inappropriate. His lack of charisma is also often cited when it comes to articulating Joe Biden's faults. Sleepy Joe or Sleepy Joe, that's how Donald Trump has nicknamed his opponent throughout the presidential campaign.


Failures and tragedies


A former stutterer, his disability is an integral part of Joe Biden's life. For years he worked to overcome his difficulties in expressing himself. "Overcoming this handicap taught me one of the most important lessons of my life: when you set a goal, there is nothing you cannot do," he admits. to cameras.


This man, a native of Pennsylvania, will be able to count on a long experience of 45 years in politics but also on a life that has not left him much rest. At 30, Joe Biden lost his wife, Neilia, and daughter Naomi, who was just 13 months old. They lose their lives in a car accident. He has just been elected senator and the shock is terrible. It is those close to him who insist that he keep his seat: he will never leave it.


A new tragedy befalls the Biden family on May 30, 2015. Beau Biden, the son of the new US president, dies of brain cancer. It is for this reason that the former vice president is withdrawing from running in the 2016 Democratic primary, facing Hillary Clinton.


Shaped by his failures


And it’s the dramas that made Joe Biden the man he is today. Many times he experiences setbacks and tragedies but always he manages to get up. It is these little pitfalls in the life of the Democrat that give his life the appearance of a novel.


Later in his career the man tries his luck. What if he had the shoulders to be president? Joe Biden then experienced two unsuccessful attempts to gain access to the White House during his political career.


Never two without three ? It seems that the saying has come true for the septuagenarian who will be supported in his presidency by Kamala Harris, herself a candidate for the Democratic primary against Biden.

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