Presidential 2022: a great debate that turns short between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen

Sylvie Claire / April 21, 2022

Everything was in place: the dramatic tension had been skilfully maintained for several days and this Wednesday evening, the actors were ready. This return match between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen for the French presidency, five years after a first televised duel, was to be decisive.
However, despite a few skirmishes, the debate was short-lived. Undoubtedly better prepared, Marine Le Pen has certainly not sunk as in 2017, but she seemed to undergo for more than 2h30facing a sometimes haughty and always offensive Emmanuel Macron, not hesitating to attack the candidate of the National Rally (RN) on his program.
Of course, we will remember from this debate the little phrases that hit the nail on the head, mainly credited to Emmanuel Macron: you talk to your banker when you talk about Russia, that's the problem Ms. Le Pen; It's not Gerard Majax tonight; Europe is a condominium, we can not decide alone to polish the facade or the you are a climate-hypocrite thrown, this time, by Marine Le Pen.
On the substance, the two candidates displayed their differences on all the themes discussed: purchasing power - the main concern of the French according to the polls -, international affairs, Russia and Europe; pensions; the environment; energy; youth, immigration; institutions... Without succeeding in knocking out his rival, it was the outgoing president who scored points each time, regularly reversing the burden of proof.
After almost three hours of debate, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen finally got their carte blanche, those two minutes where they could freely develop a theme of their choice. This election is a referendum for or against the EU, ecological ambition, secularism and fraternity. And a referendum for or against what we are deeply, where we come from and what we have to do. April 24 is a clear moment. The choice must be clear, said the outgoing president on this occasion before devoting his last seconds to children and their future.


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